Monday, April 26, 2010

Hey, pass the rubber ducky

John and I headed out to the hangar yesterday to give "Mikey" a bath.  For those newcomers to the blog, "Mikey" is the name I gave my Skyhawk 172XP some 30 years ago. They were calling for rain storms all day so we figured it would be a great day to wash the tops of the wings. Boy, it's surprising how dirty it gets even inside a hangar. And for extra measure, we waxed the wings. "Mikey" sure seemed appreciative to get the attention.

While we were inside cleaning, I heard a familiar sound.  "Is that an airplane I hear starting up?"

"hmmm, sounds like it"

"Who's crazy enough to fly in this stuff?"

Eventually, a Diamond DA-40 was seen taking off and flying to the south on his instrument flight to the south. I pulled up radar on my Blackberry.  All I have to say is there were a lot of pretty green, yellow, red and dark red blobs all around the area and lightning to the southwest. We hoped he got home safely.

It was pretty lonely out at the airport. The only other pilot who showed up to tend to his plane was Rick, hangared a few doors down from us. Lots of cleaning going on that day, eh?

We finished up and headed home.

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